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Unsinger Razor

Patent US1009114

Invention Safety-Razor

Filed Thursday, 2nd March 1911

Published Tuesday, 21st November 1911

Inventor Philip H. Unsinger

Language English

CPC Classification:   

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United States Patent Office.

Phillip H. Unsinger, of Fremont, Ohio. Safety-Razor
1,009,114. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Nov. 21, 1911.
Application filed March 2, 1911. Serial No. 611,907

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Phillip H. Unsinger, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Fremont, in the county of Sandusky and State of Ohio, have invented a certain new and useful Safety-Razor; and I do hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the figures of reference marked thereon, which form a part of this specification.

My invention relates to safety-razors, and has for its object the provision of a razor of this class which is simple and inexpensive in its construction and manufacture, composed of a minimum number of parts, and capable of having its blade clamping parts easily and quickly engaged or disengaged to facilitate the insertion therein or removal of a blade therefrom.

The invention is fully described in the following specification, and a preferred embodiment thereof is illustrated in the accompanying drawing, in which,—

Figures 1 and 2 are side and front elevations, respectively, of a razor embodying the invention with a blade in position therein. Fig. 3 is a plan of the blade holding plate. Fig. 4 is a similar view of the razor with the blade in position therein, and Fig. 5 is a perspective view of the blade clamping plate inverted with a blade therein.

Referring to the drawings, 1 designates the blade-holder, which is carried by or has a handle 2 projecting from one side thereof at properly angled relation thereto; 3 the clamping part which coöperates with the holder 1 to clamp a blade thereto, and 4 the blade.

The holder 1 comprises a perfectly plain plate the forward portion of which is rolled or bent laterally in the direction of extension of the handle 2 to form the customary guard 5 for the razor edge, and is provided with an elongated opening 6 for the lather to work through. The opening 6 parallels the rolled edge of the plate with its ends terminating adjacent to the ends thereof, and is of sufficient width to extend both rearwardly and forwardly from the line at which the roll or bend of the edge begins. The blade 4 is of the thin wafer type and is intended to rest flat upon the holder plate 1, being coextensive in length therewith.

The clamping plate or part 3 is equal in length to the holder 1 and provided at its ends with ears 7, which are bent downwardly and inwardly to adapt them to engage under the end edges of the holder to slidably hold the clamping plate thereto, as indicated. The rear edge of the clamping plate extends downwardly at the rear of the holder to form a stop flange 8 for coacting therewith to limit the forward movement of the clamping plate thereon. The rear edge of the clamping plate is preferably fashioned, as shown, to facilitate a gripping of the ends of the same by the thumb and fingers of one hand when withdrawing the clamp from or placing it in engagement with the holder. The forward edge of the clamping plate terminates short of the cutting edge of the blade, when the rear edge of such blade is in abutment with the flange 8 and is formed at its ends with forwardly projecting spurs 9, which roll or bend over the corners of the blade to form guard lugs therefor with their ends bearing against the holder 1 in advance of the blade edge. The spurs 9 in addition to guarding the sharp corners of the blade also serve to effect a positive withdrawal of the blade from the holder with the clamping plate when the latter is withdrawn therefrom.

With this form of safety-razor it is exceedingly simple to remove the blade for cleaning or other purpose and to replace it er substitute another therefor, as a withdrawal of the clamping plate 3 effects a removal of the blade from the holder therewith, the blade being held from falling by resting within the clamping plate when removed, as shown in Fig. 5. To secure a blade in position on the holder, it is first dropped into the clamping plate when the same is held in substantially the position shown in Fig. 5, and the plate is then tipped over upon the rear edge of the holder and pushed thereon until its flange 8 strikes against the rear edge of the holder, as shown in Fig. 1, and the razor is then ready to be used.

I wish it understood that my invention is not limited to any specific construction or arrangement of the parts except in so far as such limitations are specified in the claim.

Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is,—

A safety-razor comprising a plain holder-plate the forward edge of which is turned laterally to form a guard and provided with an elongated opening, a handle projecting from said holder-plate, a blade, a blade clamping-plate having ears projecting laterally in the same direction and inwardly from its ends to slidingly engage under the ends of the holder-plate to clamp the clamping-plate and interposed blade thereto, said clamping-plate having a part angling from its rear edge in the same direction as said ears to coact with the holder-plate to limit the movement of the clamping-plate thereon and having spurs projecting from its forward edge over the blade corners and inwardly in advance thereof, said spurs acting to with draw the blade from the holder when the clamping plate is withdrawn therefrom and the clamping-plate serving to hold a blade preparatory to clamping the same to the holder, substantially as described.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto signed my name to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.

Phillip H. Unsinger.


Percival D. Garver,

Birt S. Garver.