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Moustache Holder

Patent US123839

Invention Improvement in Moustache-Guards

Filed Saturday, 23rd December 1871

Published Tuesday, 20th February 1872

Inventor Eli J. F. Randolph

Language English

CPC Classification:   
  • B26B21/00
    Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor
  • B
    Performing Operations; Transporting
  • B26
    Hand Cutting Tools; Cutting; Severing
  • B26B
    Hand-Held Cutting Tools Not Otherwise Provided For

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No. 123,839.Patented Feb. 20, 1872.
United States Patent Office.

Eli J. F. Randolph, of New York, N. Y. Improvement in Moustache-Guards.
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 123,839, dated February 20, 1872.

Specification describing a new and Improved Moustache-Guard, invented by Eni J. I. Randolph, of New York city, in the county and State of New York.

My invention consists of a curved plate with a flange, adapted to the form of the upper lip, so that, being suspended in front thereof, the flange will take under the moustache and hold it so as not to interfere with eating and drinking; while said plate is provided with two prongs projecting upward from the upper edges, adapted to enter the nostrils one on each side of the septum which divides them, and suspend said plate by hanging from the thickened part of said septum.

Fig. 1 is a perspective view of my improved moustache-guard in the position in which it is worn, and Fig. 2 is another perspective view of it.

Similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts.

A is the front plate; B, a flange at the lower edge, turned backward; and C are the prongs. These prongs project upward from the top of said plate A, one on each side of a notch, D, at the center, and incline toward each other, so that the distance between them is considerably less at the top than below, and said space just sufficient at the narrowest part a to allow of inserting the prongs in the nostrils on each side of the front of the septum, as indicated in Fig. 1. After being so inserted, the said prongs are pressed backward, so that the said narrow part of the space comes over the base of the septum, which is considerably thicker than the front, and wedges between the prongs, and thereby suspends the guard.

The moustache is arranged above the flange B at the same time the instrument is applied, as above described, and is thus held out of the way of food and drink very efficiently.

I propose to make these instruments of metal, vulcanized India rubber, or any other suitable substance, taking care to so form the prongs C, in curves and with rounded edges, that they will not injure the parts with which they come in contact.

Having thus described my invention, I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent—

A moustache-guard, comprising the plate A, flange B, and prongs C, all combined and arranged substantially as specified.

The above specification of my invention signed by me this 23d day of December, 1871.

Eli J. F. Randolph.


Geo. W. Mabee,

T. B. Mosher.