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Razor Attachment

Patent US570598

Invention Razor Attachment

Filed Tuesday, 14th April 1896

Published Tuesday, 3rd November 1896

Inventor Morris S. Jacobson

Language English

CPC Classification:   
  • H02J1/12
    Parallel operation of dc generators with converters, e.g. with mercury-arc rectifier
  • H
  • H02
    Generation; Conversion Or Distribution Of Electric Power
  • H02J
    Circuit Arrangements Or Systems For Supplying Or Distributing Electric Power; Systems For Storing Electric Energy
  • H02J1/00
    Circuit arrangements for dc mains or dc distribution networks
  • H02J1/10
    Parallel operation of dc sources

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A PDF version of the original patent can be found here.

No. 570,598.Patented Nov. 3, 1896.
United States Patent Office.

Morris S. Jacobson, of New York, N. Y. Razor Attachment.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 570,598, dated November 3, 1896. Application filed April 14, 1896. Serial No. 587,471. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Morris S. Jacobson, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of New York, in the county of New York and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Razor Attachments, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part thereof, in which similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts.

This invention relates to safety-guards for razors, and the object thereof is to provide a device of this class which is simple in construction and operation and which may be connected with any ordinary razor-blade; and with this and other objects in view the invention consists in the construction, combination, and arrangement of parts hereinafter described and claimed.

The invention is fully disclosed in the following specification, of which the accompanying drawings form a part, in which—

Figure 1 is a side view of a razor-blade provided with my improved guard and showing a portion of the handle; Fig. 2, an end view thereof, and Fig. 3 a section on the line 3 3.

In the drawings forming part of this specification, A represents an ordinary razor-blade having a shank a, and B a portion of the handle, and in the practice of my invention I provide a guard-bar D, the outer end of which is bent inwardly, as shown at d, and provided with jaws d2, which are separated by a triangular notch or recess d3, in which is pivoted the head of a screw-threaded bolt d4, which passes through the arm d5 of a clamp d6, which is composed of a spring metal and which is adapted to be slid onto the back of the razor-blade, at the outer end thereof, and to be held thereon by friction.

The inner end of the guard-bar D is also inwardly curved, as shown at G, and provided with an outwardly-directed arm g, which passes through the head g2 of a clamp g3, provided with spring-jaws g4, which are adapted to be connected with the shank of the razor-blade and to be held thereon by friction, and pivotally connected with the jaws g4 of said clamp is a supplemental clamp g5, on the back of which the thumb is placed in the operation of shaving, and whereby additional means is provided for holding the clamp g3 upon the shank of the blade.

By means of the connection of the guard-bar with the clamp g3 and with a screw-threaded rod or bolt d4 said guard-bar is free to swing slightly, and thus move to one side, so as to permit the free operation of the blade, and at the same time said guard-bar is held in such position with reference to the edge of the blade that the cutting of the face in the operation of shaving is practically impossible.

The guard is movable and swings or turns from side to side in front of the edge of the razor-blade by mere pressure of the blade on the face. The movement of the guard is sufficient to permit the blade to shave but not to cut the face. When one side of the blade is placed against the face, the guard swings past the edge and to the opposite side of blade. The same movement of guard takes place when strapping or honing the razor, and this movement allows the razor to be cleaned or sharpened without removal of guard, a feature impossible and unknown to all other razor appliances.

Having fully described my invention, I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent—

The combination with the blade of a razor of the herein-described guard adapted to be detachably connected therewith, and consisting of a guard-bar D, the outer end of which is bent inwardly and provided with jaws d2, separated by a triangular notch d3, in which is pivoted the head of f the screw-threaded bolt d4 connected with the spring-clamp d6, adapted to be slid upon the back of the razor, the inner end of said guard-bar being also inwardly curved and provided with an inwardly-directed arm g pivotally mounted in the head g2 of a clamp g3 having spring-jaws g4 adapted to be detachably connected with the shank of the razor-blade, and having pivotally connected therewith a supplemental clamp g5, whereby the bar D is adapted to move to either side of the edge of the razor, and regulate the cutting-angle of the same, by means of a triangular recess d3, as set forth.

In testimony that I claim the foregoing as my invention I have signed my name, in presence of the subscribing witnesses, this 6th day of April, 1896.

Morris S. Jacobson.


Frederick Hess,

C. Gerst.