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Stropping Machine

Patent US791346

Invention Stropping-Machine

Filed Monday, 7th March 1904

Published Tuesday, 30th May 1905

Inventor Stephen T. Kane

Owners Arthur S., Martin and Mary Zinn

Language English

CPC Classification:   
  • B24D15/08
    Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping specially designed for sharpening cutting edges of knives; of razors
  • B
    Performing Operations; Transporting
  • B24
    Grinding; Polishing
  • B24D
    Tools For Grinding, Buffing, Or Sharpening
  • B24D15/00
    Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping
  • B24D15/06
    Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping specially designed for sharpening cutting edges

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No. 791,346.Patented May 30, 1905.
United States Patent Office.

Stephen T. Kane, of Newark, New Jersey, assignor to Mary Zinn, Martin Zinn, and Arthur S. Zinn, of New York, N. Y. Stropping-Machine.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 791,346, dated May 30, 1905. Application filed March 7, 1904. Serial No. 196,898.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Stephen T. Kane, a citizen of the United States, residing at Newark, in the county of Essex, in the State of New Jersey, have invented new and useful Improvements in Stropping-Machines, of which the following is a specification.

This invention resides in certain features of construction set forth in the following specification and claim and illustrated in the annexed drawings, in which—

Figure 1 is a plan view of the stropper moving one way. Fig. 2 shows the same moving in the opposite direction. Fig. 3 is an end view of Fig. 1. Fig. 4 is a like view of Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a section along x x, Fig. 2.

In the drawings is shown a frame a, to which a handle can be attached or which in itself can form a handle or be clasped by the operator. A stem is shown at b and a flexible connection at c. This connection is of any suitable kind. Catgut or thong or flexible wire or stout durable cord or other material can be made to answer. Instead of only one string or connection, as shown, two or more connections or strands can be applied.

The connection is coiled about the stem and extends in opposite directions therefrom to the handle. At the place where the connection engages the stem the latter can be corrugated or roughened for giving the connection a hold or friction or forming a drum portion on the stem for the coil of the connection.

The stem can swing as well as rock or rotate with respect to the handle, the connection or joint of the stem to the handle or frame being sufficiently loose.

The stem is adapted to support a razor-blade d. A safety-razor blade or other kind can be operated on. The blade-holding portion e can be either formed on or fixed to the stem or removably slipped or mounted on the stem.

The blade is laid on the strop f and the handle or machine moved back or forth. On moving in the direction pointed out by the arrow along the strop in Fig. 1 the heel of the blade moves in advance of the edge, so that such edge is sharpened or cannot catch or cut into the strop. On reversing, the stem b swings toward the opposite branch or shank of the handle, as seen in Fig. 2, and such swing of the stem causes the latter under the strain or pull of connection c to rock or throw the edge of the blade over to the position shown in Fig. 2. As the movement along the strop is now in the opposite direction, as shown by the arrow on the strop in Fig. 2, the edge again follows after the blade-heel and the opposite face of the blade is ground or stropped.

The bail or U shape frame shown has been found practical; but other shapes can be used. The stem is shown loosely connected or jointed to the center or bow portion of the frame, and the connection c is attached to the shank portions of the handle or frame.

A cross piece or part g forms a brace or rest along which the stem can roll or swing back and forth. This part g is shown with the edge that contacts with the stem located between the edges or top and bottom boundary of the frame a, so that the stem does not project above or beyond the width of the material or strip composing frame a.

The cross part or guard g can be made straight, curved, or arc-shaped and acts as a guard, as in butting against the strop the part g prevents the handle being pushed or moved over or onto the strop.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is—

A razor-stropper consisting of a wide strip of material bent substantially U-shaped and preserving parallelism of its two longitudinal edges, a brace member abutting against and secured to the ends of said strip for preserving said strip substantially U-shaped, said member of less length than said strip, a flexible connection having its ends attached to said strip of material at a point slightly removed from said brace and formed with loops intermediate its ends, and a blade-carrying stem arranged within and projecting from said U-shaped strip of material, resting upon said brace, extending through said loops, and having its rear end journaled in the bend of said strip approximately centrally thereof.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.

Stephen T. Kane.


Fred. N. Hoffmann,

Chas. E. Poensgen.