Folding Razor
Patent US856438
Invention Safety-Razor
Filed Monday, 2nd March 1903
Published Tuesday, 11th June 1907
Inventors Pietro Beltrame, Pietro Falchi
Language English
CPC Classification:For a full resolution version of the images click here
A PDF version of the original patent can be found here.
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To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, Pietro Beltrame, a subject of the King of Italy, and Pietro Falchi, a subject of the King of Italy, both residing at Terni, in Italy, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Safety-Razors, of which the following is a specification.
The present invention relates to a safety-razor, particularly a flat folding safety-razor, which can be readily packed in a very small space or carried in the waist-coat pocket. A practical construction of this razor measures 3½ inches in width, 2½ inches in breadth and about ⅓ of an inch in thickness when the handles are folded down, which is distinguished by having its blade and sheath so curved as to enable the operator easily following the natural curves of the face even with a quite inexperienced hand.
In the accompanying drawings:—
The new razor may be made in two forms namely with a rigidly fixed handle or with a two-armed handle
In the fore part of the sheath
What we claim as our invention and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is:—
1. A flat safety razor comprising in combination a sheath of flattened tube form having one end slightly curved upward, a correspondingly shaped blade adapted to fit into said sheath, and provided with holes as described a guard on the upwardly curved end of the sheath at a point where the cutting edge of the positioned blade projects, and a clamping screw adapted to engage in the holes in the blade.
2. A flat folding safety razor comprising in combination a sheath in the form of a split flattened tube having an end slightly curved upward, a correspondingly shaped blade adapted to fit into said sheath, a guard on the upwardly curved end of the sheath, folded over edges of the adjacent portions of the split tube formed into hinge parts and two handles connected to said hinge parts.
In testimony whereof we have signed our names to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.
Pietro Beltrame.
Pietro Falchi.
A. Razzi,
E. Sgruzzardi.