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Safety Razor

Patent US884375

Invention Safety-Razor

Filed Friday, 12th July 1907

Published Tuesday, 14th April 1908

Inventor John A. Everett

Language English

CPC Classification:   

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United States Patent Office.

John A. Everett, of Natick, Massachusetts. Safety-Razor.
No. 884,375. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Apr. 14, 1908.
Application filed July 12, 1907. Serial No. 383,428

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, John A. Everett, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Natick, in the county of Middlesex and State of Massachusetts, have invented an Improvement in Safety-Razors, of which the following description, in connection with the accompanying drawing, is a specification, like letters on the drawing representing like parts.

This invention has for its object the production of a novel, simple and efficient safety razor of few parts.

Figure 1 is a plan view of one of my novel safety razors; Fig. 2 a side elevation of Fig. 1 looking at the same from the right; Fig. 3 a face view showing the blade and blade holder; Fig. 4 shows the blade holder detached, and Fig. 5 shows the blade detached.

The handle of the razor comprises a hand piece A and a blade-sustaining portion A′, the hand piece being shown as bent between its ends to sustain clamping means B coacting with the blade holder C, said clamping means being shown as a screw to be herein further described. The hand piece also has a projection D constituting a guide. The blade E of thin steel sharpened at both edges has notches e at its ends, and the rear side of this blade is laid against the face of the blade-sustaining portion A′ of the razor. The blade-sustaining portion is notched at its opposite ends as at a, a′. The blade-holder is composed of metal and comprises a central straight clamping portion c, a hook c′ at one end, and a leg c2 at its opposite end, said leg having a heel c3. The blade-holding adjusting device is shown as a screw, threaded at b to enter a threaded part of the hand-piece, and the outer end of said device has an annular groove b′ to engage said heel. The outer end of the projection D has a groove to receive the portion c2 of the blade holder. After laying the rear side of the blade against the portion A′ of the handle, the hooked end c′ of the blade holder is laid in one of the notches e of the blade and into the notch a of the portion A′, the shape of the hook c′ being such as to engage firmly said notch. The leg c2 is then passed into the notch e at the opposite end of the blade, through the notch a′ of the portion A′, and into the grooved end of the projection D. When the blade holder is being put into its position, the clamping means B occupies its outward position so that the heel c3 may readily enter the groove b′, and as the clamping means is rotated, the groove acting on the heel draws the leg c2 in the direction of the arrow Fig. 1, causing the portion c of the blade holder to be drawn so closely upon the outer side of the blade as to clamp the same firmly on the blade-receiving portion A′ of the handle.

Having described my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:—

1. A safety razor comprising a hand piece having a blade-sustaining portion and a projection, said blade-sustaining portion being notched at its ends, combined with a blade notched at its ends, a blade holder having at one end a hook and at its other end a leg provided with a heel, and clamping means engaging said heel and drawing upon the blade holder to clamp the blade upon the blade-sustaining portion of the hand piece.

2. A safety razor comprising a hand piece having a blade-sustaining portion, a blade adapted to rest against said blade-sustaining portion, means for positioning the blade thereon, a blade holder having at one end a hook and at its other end a leg provided with a heel, and clamping means engaging said heel and drawing upon the blade holder to clamp the blade upon the blade-sustaining portion of the hand piece.

In testimony whereof, I have signed my name to this specification, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.

John A. Everett.


Geo. W. Gregory,

Margaret A. Dunn.