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Otto Kampfe's Pocket Multitool With Can Opener

Patent US899408

Invention Combination Implement

Filed Monday, 16th December 1907

Published Tuesday, 22nd September 1908

Inventor Otto Kampfe

Language English

CPC Classification:   

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United States Patent Office.

Otto Kampfe, of New York, N. Y. Combination Implement.
No. 899,408. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Sept. 22, 1908.
Application filed December 16, 1907. Serial No. 406,608

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Otto Kampfe, a citizen of the United States, residing in the borough of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings, city and State of New York, have invented an Improvement in Combination Implements or Tools, of which the following is a specification.

My invention relates to a combination tool or handy implement particularly adapted for household use, a form of which is also adapted to be carried in a pocket upon the person, and my invention is an improvement upon the device shown and described in my application for Letters Patent filed May 28, 1907, Serial No. 376,104. In the disclosure of this application a suitably recessed handle is provided with pivoted blades and other handy devices, with a hole receiving the end of a cigar to be cut off by one of the blades and with a pivoted arm or extension provided with a nail puller and hammer head and an engaging edge adapted to be brought into contact with the edge of a metal cap of a bottle to remove the same, and a longitudinal wire cutter is also formed on said arm.

In the device of my present invention, an arm or extension having a bearing function is provided and a form of my invention includes the identical arm of said application, and associated with either of these arm devices and placed in operative opposition thereto, I provide a blade having a cutting edge and penetrating point, and when these parts are associated in a juxtaposed relation, they form a sheet metal penetrating and cutting device particularly useful as a can opener. These parts may have an integral association with a simple handle or they may be connected by the same pivot pin to a recessed handle into which they are separately turned.

In the drawing, Figure 1 is an elevation representing the device of my invention in its simple form. Fig. 2 is an end elevation in larger size of the parts shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a side elevation representing a recessed pocket knife handle with the arm or extension and the blade with the penetrating point as connected thereto. Fig. 4 is an elevation and Fig. 5 an end view also of a recessed pocket knife handle showing a modified form and relation of the arm or extension and cutting blade. Fig. 6 is a side elevation of the structure shown in Fig. 3, with the parts thereof out-turned and in a position of use, and Fig. 7 is a side elevation of the structure shown in Fig. 4 with the parts out-turned and in a position of use.

Referring particularly to Figs. 1 and 2, a represents a blade of steel or other suitable metal, and b a handle of simple form connected thereto. The blade a is made with an integral arm or extension a1 and with a cutting edge a2 and penetrating point, there being between said arm and cutting edge an acute angled recess or aperture. On the free end of the arm or extension a1 and extending therethrough I provide an axis 2 and rollers 3 4 on the opposite ends of the axis and against each side or surface of the arm or extension. This structure representing my invention in its simple form is adapted for penetrating and cutting metal and is particularly adapted and useful as a can opener, in the use of which the penetrating point of the cutting edge is pushed through the sheet metal to make an opening and obtain a bearing for the cutting function of the implement in which the rollers 3 4 which are preferably corrugated longitudinally, and bear upon the surface of the sheet metal and act as a fulcrum upon which the blade a and handle b as a lever are swung to effect the cutting of the sheet metal, by the movement of which the cutter is pushed forward by hand and swung so as to force the portion of the blade having the cutting edge through the aperture in the metal and bring the same up near the inner end of the recess when with the elevation of the handle the further part of the sheet metal is cut or severed.

In Figs. 3 to 6 inclusive, c represents the recessed handle of a pocket knife and d d1 one or more blades pivoted to said handle and adapted normally to occupy a recess of said handle.

At f I have shown an arm or extension pivoted at 5 to the pocket knife handle and which arm and extension agrees with the structure shown and described in my aforesaid application; the handle also of the pocket knife substantially agreeing with that shown in said application and being provided with a cigar cutting opening 6 adapted to cut off the end of a cigar when inserted therein by the downward movement of the larger blade pivoted to said handle. This arm or extension f is provided with a claw part 7 and hammer head part at 8, an engaging lip part at 9 and a wire cutting central longitudinal edge 10. These parts are the same and the construction of the arm is the same as shown in my aforesaid application, and in Fig. 3 I have shown this arm as pivoted to the recessed handle and adapted singly to perform its particular functions.

I have also shown in Figs. 3 and 6, which are the same implement, a blade a with an arm or extension a1 and the corrugated rollers 3 4 and cutting edge a2, the same as shown with reference to Figs. 1 and 2, and which structure is adapted to be turned into the recess of the handle as shown in Fig. 3, or to be out-turned for use as shown in Fig. 6; the edges of the knife blade handle as in Fig. 3 being preferably recessed to receive the rollers 3 4.

In the structure shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 7, I have associated with the arm f shown in my aforesaid application a blade h pivoted to the handle by the pivot 5 which is also the pivot of the arm f; Figs. 4 and 5 showing the normal in-turned position of the arm f and blade h and Fig. 7 the outturned position for use of said parts with the cutting edge h1 of the blade h passing through an aperture in a strip of sheet metal and in a cutting position, as it is a fact that the arm f of my aforesaid application is adapted for the performance of the cutting function when associated with the arm f equally as well as the equivalent arm a1 and cutting edge a2 of Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 6.

A comparison of Figs. 4 and 7 indicates clearly that the arm f pivoted at 5 is adapted to turn into the same recess of the pocket knife handle as that occupied by the blades d d1 and that the arm h on the pivot 5 is adapted to turn into a recess in the opposite side of the edge of the handle in line with the cork-screw e which is shown in Figs. 3, 4, 6 and 7, and also in my aforesaid application as a complementary device in the combination tool; thus for the performance of the function of cutting sheet metal the juxtaposed and oppositely placed arms or extensions and cutting blades are the equivalents of one another in the forms of the invention and are equally adapted for the performance of this cutting function whether they are made integral or separate, whether they are connected to a handle as shown in Fig. 1 or in Fig. 3,\or as separate parts as shown in Fig. 4.

I claim as my invention:

1. The combination with a suitable handle, of an arm or extension having the function of a fulcrum, and a juxtaposed blade and cutting edge set in opposition to said arm and cooperating therewith for penetrating and cutting sheet metal and said parts having pivotal relation to the handle.

2. The combination with a suitable handle, of an arm or extension having the function of a fulcrum, a juxtaposed blade and cutting edge coöperating therewith for penetrating and cutting sheet metal and said arm provided at its free end with an axis and with rollers thereon.

3. The combination with a suitable handle, of an arm or extension having the function of a fulcrum, a juxtaposed blade and cutting edge coöperating therewith for penetrating and cutting sheet metal, an axis extending through the free end of said arm and at right angles to the plane of said arm and corrugated rollers mounted on said axis against the opposite faces of said arm and adapted to bear on the surface of the sheet metal being cut.

4. The combination with a suitable pocket knife handle, of an arm or extension having the function of a fulcrum, a juxtaposed blade and cutting edge coöperating therewith for penetrating and cutting sheet metal and said parts pivotally connected to a pocket knife handle and adapted to be turned into a recess of said handle when not in use.

5. The combination with a suitable pocket knife handle, of an arm or extension having the function of a fulcrum, a juxtaposed blade and cutting edge coöperating therewith for penetrating and cutting sheet metal, said parts pivotally connected to a pocket knife handle and adapted to be turned into a recess of said handle when not in use and the free end of said arm provided with an axis extending therethrough and at right angles thereto, with rollers on the said axis at opposite sides of said arm adapted to bear as a fulcrum on the surface of the metal being cut.

6. The combination with a suitable pocket knife handle, of an arm or extension having the function of a fulcrum, a juxtaposed blade and cutting edge coöperating therewith for penetrating and cutting sheet metal and said arm or extension as a factor and said cutting blade also as a factor being pivotally connected to a pocket knife handle by the same pivot and adapted to be out-turned for use or in-turned into the recessed handle when not in use.

7. The combination with a pocket knife handle, of a pivoted extension adapted to be turned into the recess of said handle to be opened outwardly and having a shoulder to limit the movement in one direction when the handle is used as a lever, said extension at its end adapted to act as a fulcrum, a portion nearer the pivot having an engaging lip extending into the concavity of the curved portion, the reverse side of the curved portion serving as a fulcrum when the handle is used as a lever, and a blade also pivoted to the pocket knife handle by the same pivot and having a cutting edge and adapted to be turned into the recess of the handle when not in use or to be turned outwardly for use and in the outward position coming into a juxtaposed and opposite relation to that of the said extension so that the two parts coöperate, the one as a fulcrum against the surface of the sheet metal being cut and the other as a cutter.

Signed by me this 19th day of November, 1907.

Otto Kampfe.


Geo. T. Pinckney,

E. Zachariasen.